Photo retouching rates differ due to various reasons, so it is hard to pin-point a particular price point. Moreover, every professional has his/her technique when it comes to offering photo retouching services, so they ensure to offer the rates only after knowing the client’s needs from them.
How Much Does Photo Retouching Really Cost for Outsourcing?
But again, for a company that is looking for a jewelry photo editor or retoucher, it becomes essential that they know how much cost of out sourcing they must offer to receive exceptional services.
So, here in this blog, we will help you to understand how the professionals charge and on what basis.

1- Time-Based Billing ($15 To $100 per Hour)
The professionals can charge you on an hourly basis to understand both the remote or on-site work. If you call them on-site and keep on providing them the new changes every now and then, then it is possible that by the end of the day, your out-of-pocket cost can be higher.
With remote work, you will need to provide the editor with a precise brief and samples of what you need. You can decide on the hourly rates with the editor and can negotiate it accordingly. Remember that you will require paying extra if edits were not pre-listed in brief, or the time exceeds the said duration.

2- Project-Based Billing ($3 To $25 per Image)
When the professional offers project-based billing, then he will work on as per the pre-agreed fee for the project. This option will be the best for you because you can conveniently fit your project into a solid price point.
So, even if the editor manages to complete the work before the said time, you will require paying him the full amount.
So, Which One Is Better?
Well, it is certainly difficult to decide if project-based billing is better or time-based billing. So, it is better that you hire a service provider when the task is huge to meet the deadline easily. But if you feel that the work may not take long, then sticking to time-based billing is better to avoid overpaying.
Bottom Line
Photo editing or retouching takes a lot of time as well as expertise. So, if you come across a service provider that charges a high price, then ensure to know what methods and services they use to be different from others. Only proceed to hire such experts if you find the answer genuine.
We hope the article was able to give you a proper insight into determining image retouching price.